Solar Panel
Solar Panel Solar Panels are devices that, by observing the rays from the sun and converting the energy received from those rays onto electricity and heat. How was the solar panel invented ? The credit for the invention of solar panels goes to the efforts of different scientists over time, not to any one scientist. 1839 First man Alexander Edmond Becquerel discovered how the strong rays of the sun could be used to create electricity. Selenium acts as a photoconductor, In 1873 Willoughby Smith reported that the photoconductor illuminates the rays of the sun and when exposed to selenium, it produces electrical energy. In 1883, American inventor Charles Fritz created the first selenium solar cell. In 1954, Three Scientist there, Daryl I Chapin, Calvin Fuller and Gerald Pearson Created a more practical Solar cell using silicon. Solar panels were used to power satellites in space, the first solar drift was built in 1973. The first solar building was constructed in 1973 at the University of ...